Trends in Digital Health in Africa Technical Brief
Over the last five years, the ASH project, in support of USAID/Africa Bureau priorities, has engaged with thought leaders, innovators, and implementers on cutting-edge issues to build capacity and advance collaboration in the use of digital technology to improve health outcomes. This brief, informed by work throughout the life of ASH, shares key findings from a consultation with experts working on digital health at the national, regional, and global levels. It outlines trends, barriers, and opportunities to scale digital health in Africa. [Download]
Over the last five years, the ASH project, in support of USAID/Africa Bureau priorities, has engaged with thought leaders, innovators, and implementers on cutting-edge issues to build capacity and advance collaboration in the use of digital technology to improve health outcomes. This brief, informed by work throughout the life of ASH, shares key findings from a consultation with experts working on digital health at the national, regional, and global levels. It outlines trends, barriers, and opportunities to scale digital health in Africa. [Download]
Infographic: mHealth Compendium
The six volumes of the mHealth Compendium contain 167 profiles of mobile health programs. This infographic summarizes program characteristics including locations, health areas addressed, and target end users across the series. [Download]
The six volumes of the mHealth Compendium contain 167 profiles of mobile health programs. This infographic summarizes program characteristics including locations, health areas addressed, and target end users across the series. [Download]
mHealth Compendium Special Edition 2016: Reaching Scale
The mHealth Compendium series has expanded the body of knowledge and increased access to the most current information on mobile technology solutions for health. The mHealth Compendium Special Edition 2016: Reaching Scale features in-depth profiles of ten programs that have grown in scale over time. The case studies include details of the process, challenges, and lessons learned in growing an mHealth program.
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Browse the mHealth Database
The mHealth Compendium series has expanded the body of knowledge and increased access to the most current information on mobile technology solutions for health. The mHealth Compendium Special Edition 2016: Reaching Scale features in-depth profiles of ten programs that have grown in scale over time. The case studies include details of the process, challenges, and lessons learned in growing an mHealth program.
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Browse the mHealth Database
Regional Actors Addressing Digital Health in Africa: Comparative Advantages, Challenges and Opportunities
Source: African Strategies for Health
In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward regionalization on the African continent, as integrated and cooperative efforts have created positive impact in political, economic, and social sectors. In Africa’s health sector, regional actors have become active contributors to development and health agendas. The growth of information communication technology (ICT) and particularly the rapid expansion of access to mobile phones and networks in Africa have opened opportunities to use these new technologies to improve the health and well-being of people across the continent.
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[In French]
Visit the online database to browse through more than 120 regional organizations working in health in Africa. >>Database
Source: African Strategies for Health
In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward regionalization on the African continent, as integrated and cooperative efforts have created positive impact in political, economic, and social sectors. In Africa’s health sector, regional actors have become active contributors to development and health agendas. The growth of information communication technology (ICT) and particularly the rapid expansion of access to mobile phones and networks in Africa have opened opportunities to use these new technologies to improve the health and well-being of people across the continent.
[Download Technical Brief]
[In French]
Visit the online database to browse through more than 120 regional organizations working in health in Africa. >>Database
mHealth Opportunities and Lessons Learned for Family Planning Programming
To ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, a range of systems and service delivery interventions, identified as high impact practices (HIPs), help family planning programs focus their efforts and maximize resources to achieve broadest reach and greatest impact. The growing ubiquity of mobile technology offers numerous opportunities to support and augment the successful implementation of HIPs. This brief presents themes and lessons learned from across the five volumes of the mHealth Compendium from programs which addressed family planning. It is intended to provide policymakers and program implementers with a resource on potential areas for integration of mHealth into family planning programming, as well as emerging lessons from a range of example case studies. [Download]
To ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, a range of systems and service delivery interventions, identified as high impact practices (HIPs), help family planning programs focus their efforts and maximize resources to achieve broadest reach and greatest impact. The growing ubiquity of mobile technology offers numerous opportunities to support and augment the successful implementation of HIPs. This brief presents themes and lessons learned from across the five volumes of the mHealth Compendium from programs which addressed family planning. It is intended to provide policymakers and program implementers with a resource on potential areas for integration of mHealth into family planning programming, as well as emerging lessons from a range of example case studies. [Download]
Harnessing the Power of Digital Health Summary Presentation
The ASH project with USAID/Africa Bureau hosted a talk-show style panel "Harnessing the Power of Digital Health: Lessons and Opportunities for Family Planning Programs" at the International Conference on Family Planning, Indonesia January 2016. The interactive session brought together three experts to discuss practical experiences and key issues which have emerged in implementing digital health solutions for family planning. This presentation summarizes key points from the discussion. [Download]
The ASH project with USAID/Africa Bureau hosted a talk-show style panel "Harnessing the Power of Digital Health: Lessons and Opportunities for Family Planning Programs" at the International Conference on Family Planning, Indonesia January 2016. The interactive session brought together three experts to discuss practical experiences and key issues which have emerged in implementing digital health solutions for family planning. This presentation summarizes key points from the discussion. [Download]
mHealth Compendium Fifth Edition
Volume 5 of the mHealth Compendium series compiles 41 case studies submitted by implementing partners primarily in Africa, but also in other regions of the world. These applications have been used for tasks including the monitoring and implementation of health interventions; making electronic payments for services; and informing local communities about potential outbreaks of disease.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
Volume 5 of the mHealth Compendium series compiles 41 case studies submitted by implementing partners primarily in Africa, but also in other regions of the world. These applications have been used for tasks including the monitoring and implementation of health interventions; making electronic payments for services; and informing local communities about potential outbreaks of disease.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
mHealth Compendium Fourth Edition
Mobile and wireless technologies assist health projects in accurately assessing the needs of a target population, collecting and disseminating relevant information, and delivering cost effective health services. This fourth volume of the mHealth compendium, published in October 2014, is a collection of 31 case studies. Several feature mHealth tools that have great potential for contributing to strengthening health systems and supporting the response to disease outbreaks, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
Mobile and wireless technologies assist health projects in accurately assessing the needs of a target population, collecting and disseminating relevant information, and delivering cost effective health services. This fourth volume of the mHealth compendium, published in October 2014, is a collection of 31 case studies. Several feature mHealth tools that have great potential for contributing to strengthening health systems and supporting the response to disease outbreaks, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
English Version [Download]
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Portuguese Version [Download]
mHealth Compendium Third Edition
This volume was published in November 2013 and is the third edition in the series. It contains 24 new case studies which document mHealth innovations, many of which seek to contribute to USAID’s two overarching objectives of eliminating preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths and achieving an AIDS free generation.
English Version [Download]
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Portuguese Version [Download]
This volume was published in November 2013 and is the third edition in the series. It contains 24 new case studies which document mHealth innovations, many of which seek to contribute to USAID’s two overarching objectives of eliminating preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths and achieving an AIDS free generation.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
mHealth Compendium Second Edition
The second volume of the mHealth Compendium was published in May 2013 and contains 27 case studies which document a range of mHealth applications being implemented mainly throughout Africa. Case studies have been organized within five programmatic areas: Behavior Change Communication, Data Collection, Finance, Logistics and Service Delivery.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
The second volume of the mHealth Compendium was published in May 2013 and contains 27 case studies which document a range of mHealth applications being implemented mainly throughout Africa. Case studies have been organized within five programmatic areas: Behavior Change Communication, Data Collection, Finance, Logistics and Service Delivery.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Portuguese Version [Download]
mHealth Compendium First Edition
The first edition of the mHealth Compendium, published in November 2012, contains 35 case studies which document a range of mHealth applications being implemented across the world. To improve access to relevant mHealth information, this compendium offers project descriptions, publication references, and contact information for making further inquiries. [Download]
The first edition of the mHealth Compendium, published in November 2012, contains 35 case studies which document a range of mHealth applications being implemented across the world. To improve access to relevant mHealth information, this compendium offers project descriptions, publication references, and contact information for making further inquiries. [Download]
Landscape Analysis and Business Case for mHealth Investment in Angola
With more than 13.3 million mobile users in Angola, there are unparalleled opportunities to use mHealth solutions to improve quality of care, access to health services, and health outcomes. USAID/Angola commissioned the USAID-funded African Strategies for Health Project to conduct a landscape analysis of mHealth in Angola and develop a business case to determine opportunities and barriers for USAID investment. This report lays a foundation for the development of a national mHealth strategy.
[Download in English]
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With more than 13.3 million mobile users in Angola, there are unparalleled opportunities to use mHealth solutions to improve quality of care, access to health services, and health outcomes. USAID/Angola commissioned the USAID-funded African Strategies for Health Project to conduct a landscape analysis of mHealth in Angola and develop a business case to determine opportunities and barriers for USAID investment. This report lays a foundation for the development of a national mHealth strategy.
[Download in English]
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Africa Regional Meeting on Digital Health: Meeting Report
From May 12-15th 2015, over 150 government, private sector, and donor participants came together in Lilongwe, Malawi at the Africa Regional Meeting on Digital Health for Overcoming Barriers to Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths and Achieving Universal Health Coverage to exchange ideas and information on how to adopt and expand digital health technology. Co-hosted in collaboration with the Government of Malawi by the USAID and the UN Foundation, the meeting brought together country teams led by government representatives with a goal of strengthening and expanding opportunities for public-private partnerships in digital health across Africa. The event achieved unprecedented participation by the private sector. [Download]
From May 12-15th 2015, over 150 government, private sector, and donor participants came together in Lilongwe, Malawi at the Africa Regional Meeting on Digital Health for Overcoming Barriers to Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths and Achieving Universal Health Coverage to exchange ideas and information on how to adopt and expand digital health technology. Co-hosted in collaboration with the Government of Malawi by the USAID and the UN Foundation, the meeting brought together country teams led by government representatives with a goal of strengthening and expanding opportunities for public-private partnerships in digital health across Africa. The event achieved unprecedented participation by the private sector. [Download]
Use Of Technology In The Ebola Response In West Africa: Technical Brief
The 2014 epidemic of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa is the largest in history. This brief provides a summary of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools, including eHealth and mHealth, which have been used to optimize the Ebola response. It also provides recommendations for policy makers and program managers seeking to deploy ICT tools in outbreak settings that are applicable beyond the 2014 Ebola crisis.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
The 2014 epidemic of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa is the largest in history. This brief provides a summary of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools, including eHealth and mHealth, which have been used to optimize the Ebola response. It also provides recommendations for policy makers and program managers seeking to deploy ICT tools in outbreak settings that are applicable beyond the 2014 Ebola crisis.
English Version [Download]
French Version [Download]
Investing in Technology and Innovations for Human Development in Africa: Meeting Report
This report documents key topics presented and discussed at the first ever ministerial-level stakeholders meeting “Investing in Technology and Innovations for Human Development in Africa” held on 14th October 2014 in Rabat, Morocco. The meeting, convened by the African Development Bank, USAID and ASH, enabled high-level dialogue on the importance of collaboration between the health and science and technology sectors, making the case that investments in digital infrastructure and tools such as (mobile) broadband Internet, electronic payments and electronic records can fast-track development of the continent’s economic and social sectors, including health. [Download]
This report documents key topics presented and discussed at the first ever ministerial-level stakeholders meeting “Investing in Technology and Innovations for Human Development in Africa” held on 14th October 2014 in Rabat, Morocco. The meeting, convened by the African Development Bank, USAID and ASH, enabled high-level dialogue on the importance of collaboration between the health and science and technology sectors, making the case that investments in digital infrastructure and tools such as (mobile) broadband Internet, electronic payments and electronic records can fast-track development of the continent’s economic and social sectors, including health. [Download]
Scaling Up Mobile Technology Applications for Accelerating Progress on Ending Preventable Maternal and Child Deaths Report
This report documents key points presented and discussed at the regional meeting “Scaling Up Mobile Technology Applications for Accelerating Progress on Ending Preventable Maternal and Child Deaths” held November 10, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the fringes of the third International Conference on Family Planning. [Download]
This report documents key points presented and discussed at the regional meeting “Scaling Up Mobile Technology Applications for Accelerating Progress on Ending Preventable Maternal and Child Deaths” held November 10, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the fringes of the third International Conference on Family Planning. [Download]
Using Mobile Technology to Improve Family Planning and Health Programs
This report documents the lessons learned from the regional meeting on “Using Mobile Technology to Improve Family Planning and Health Programs” held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from November 12-16, 2012. The meeting was sponsored by the Bureau for Africa’s (AFR) Office of Sustainable Development and the Bureau for Global Health’s (GH) Office of Population and Reproductive Health of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), USAID/East Africa and USAID/Tanzania. [Download]
This report documents the lessons learned from the regional meeting on “Using Mobile Technology to Improve Family Planning and Health Programs” held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from November 12-16, 2012. The meeting was sponsored by the Bureau for Africa’s (AFR) Office of Sustainable Development and the Bureau for Global Health’s (GH) Office of Population and Reproductive Health of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), USAID/East Africa and USAID/Tanzania. [Download]
Infographic: mHealth Compendium Case Studies, Volume 1, 2 & 3
This summary synthesizes and highlights case study materials in Editions One, Two and Three to help identify and access information contained within the Compendiums.
English [Download]
French [Download]
This summary synthesizes and highlights case study materials in Editions One, Two and Three to help identify and access information contained within the Compendiums.
English [Download]
French [Download]